Despite its shortcomings, the 2012 Corvette was capable of producing the same performance numbers as any of its European counterparts...
The 2011 Chevrolet Corvette Z06X Track Car Concept was designed to suggest new components and a new idea for transforming a production Corvette into a serious and closed-course track car. This track car concept was developed and produced by Chevrolet in partnership with Pratt and Miller, the partners in Corvette Racing in the American LeMans Series. The competition-oriented modifications of the concept include a polycarbonate rear window, roll cage, safety harness, racing seat.
Over 1,160 of our CorvSport readers have reacted, and the results for “Best Generation” are in. As I mentioned in...
One of Only About 250 The 2011 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Carbon Special Edition is a super cool car. Only about...
For Sale: A 2006 Corvette Z06 With Ultra-Low Mileage! Our friends over at frequently list some amazing Corvettes on...
The Corvette Z06 that served as the Daytona 500 pace car was mechanically identical to those available at Chevrolet dealerships. It was the fastest vehicle ever offered by Chevrolet and General Motors. With 505 horsepower (377 kw) and 470 lb.-ft. of torque (637 Nm) from its 7.0L all-aluminum, racing-inspired engine, the Corvette Z06 leaps from 0-60 mph in 3.7 seconds and has a top speed of 198 mph. The Corvette Z06 Daytona 500 wears a unique paint scheme.
Back in the day, there were two competing car review and entertainment shows on UK television: The “new” Top Gear,...
The Fast Lane Car recently brought together three iconic sports cars, the Chevrolet Corvette C5, Corvette C6 and a 2014...
When this U.S. Navy Officer, former Navy College Football player, and NASCAR driver recently introduced his high-mileage sixth-generation Z06 to...
The C6 Corvette Z06 marked a significant leap in bringing track technology to the street, the closest since the high-performance...
C6 Corvette Build Dates & Production Timeline Below we have captured the build date data for all C6 Corvette cars....
The last six digits begin at 100001 and run through 135284. Ending VIN (135284) did not match the total quantity of Corvettes built because 2008 production included non-salable pilot and prototype builds. Each Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)...
Live now on Bring A Trailer is a 2010 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 that boasts only 14k miles from new. The...
2013 C6 Corvette RPO Codes, Options Codes & Order Guide If you are looking to decode your 2013 Corvette RPO’s...
The ZR1 epitomizes Corvette’s technology-driven performance legacy spanning six decades. Introduced in 1970, the ZR1 option was available with the...
The era of custom coachwork in the 1930s came before mass-market design and unit body construction, however, Anteros Coachworks have...
In 2006, Callaway introduced the Callaway C16, a fully custom variant based on the C6 Corvette. The C16 was marketed as an...
To celebrate the success of the Corvette Racing program, especially at the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans race, Chevrolet made the decision to manufacture a limited number of special-edition Corvettes that would be sold exclusively in Europe. This special-edition car was limited to just 250 units and marketed to European consumers as the Victory Edition Corvette.
VIN Numbers for 2009 Corvette Hertz (ZHZ) Special Edition Exclusively built for Hertz, the Corvette ZHZ brought the mighty Corvette...
2005 Corvette – The Ultimate Guide The 2005 Corvette was warmly welcomed and immediately embraced by both fans and critics...
When the C6 ZR1 was released, it was a game-changer. With staggering specs and a hefty price tag, this powerhouse...
2007 C6 Corvette Pictures & Images Check out these great 2007 Corvette images. The exterior of the 2007 sixth generation...
Although there was a lot of uncertainty about the Corvette’s long-term viability in its early days, the public’s perception of...
This is literally a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see 70 Corvettes from 70 years, all in one location, including the only...
We are knee-deep in 70th-anniversary shows and celebrations across the Corvette community, but the must-see once-in-a-lifetime show that should be...
Meet Caleb Hodshire, the ingenious young man from Fithian, Illinois, who felt compelled to make his 2013 Corvette the Trailboss...
Sometimes when you enter a race things will not go as you expect them to be and that is the...
Total Production for the 2008 Indy Pace Car replicas sold to the public was 500. The first replica rolled off the production line approximately March 4th, and the last was June 6th. There were 61 Corvettes built in early March, however only 60 cars shipped to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to be used as rack” and “festival committee" vehicles which were distributed to their lucky drivers on April 9th and in use thru May 31st.
This 2012 Chevrolet Corvette is one of 206 Centennial Special Edition ZR1 coupes produced to commemorate the 100th anniversary of...
Evoking the heritage of early 427-powered Corvettes, the 427 Convertible Collection edition model takes Corvette convertible performance to an entirely...