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CorvSport Covers The Corvette Community Reaction To Harlan Charles’ Untimely Exit

In a heartfelt post, the long-time Corvette Product Manager described his departure as "My Corvette dream is over--my bubble burst."

Harlan Charles in his much earlier days! Photo Credit: LinkedIn

Sometimes, certain superlatives are overused and almost hyperbolic, but in the case of Harlan Charles, it is safe to say that a Corvette icon has now departed from GM–apparently, they felt his services as your Corvette Product Marketing Manager were no longer needed. Harlan helped make the Corvette brand better for 24 years and was with GM for nearly four decades–almost unheard of in today’s corporate world.

This was another memorable time when my social media feeds and forums lit up. As the outcry from enthusiasts spread around the internet, it became harder and harder to know where even to begin the story. But let’s start with Harlan’s post shortly after he found out about his fate. As you read his words, you can sense his genuine gratitude as he acknowledged the many friendships he cultivated during his time trying to make our beloved Corvette the best that it could be. The person who seemed to be the most surprised was Harlan himself.

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