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Battle Of C8 Absurdity: Off-Road Beast VS Family Station Wagon

Which viral rendering is the dumbest you've ever seen? Or maybe you have a favorite? Join in on the fun and let us know!

These two renderings just started circulating on social media and some of the reactions have been hilarious. As many of you enthusiasts know, there has been a lot of news floating around our community about how the Corvette brand is rumored to expand, namely with a sedan and SUV. The general consensus is, leave our Corvette alone! And the reactions below from social media confirm this sentiment. Today’s feature is interactive for our faithful CorvSport readers, so let’s have some fun as 2023 ends!

Which viral rendering is the dumbest you’ve ever seen? Or, do you happen to have a favorite?

How to vote

If you are not already on Facebook, just click on the Blue F (located top right). If you are not a member of Facebook, it’s free so sign up! It’s the place to be for Corvette enthusiasts, so come join the hottest and fastest-growing Corvette Community on Facebook, with over 47,000 new CorvSport followers since January of this year! Click here to become one of CorvSport’s 166,000 followers, and to engage other hardcore Corvette enthusiasts. See you around, Douglas B.

Once You Find The Facebook Post

1) Click Thumbs up if you think the Off-road Beast is the most absurd

2) Click LOL if you think the Station Wagon is the most absurd

3) OR, do you happen to actually like one or both of these renderings???

Top Social Media Reactions For The Off-Road Beast

Total Reactions (Reddit was not impressed, with ZERO upvotes and only 46 comments)

Top Off-Road Comments

Top Social Media Reactions For The Family Station Wagon

Total Reactions (The wagon was popular with Facebook!)

Top Station Wagon Comments

When Renderings Become Reality

A collage of off-road Corvettes from my feature here